Social Justice Groups
This list is meant as a starting place, not an exclusive set of recommendations for you to get involved outside of SURJ Atlanta.
+ America Votes
Since 2003, America Votes has been the common link between many of the largest and most influential issue and membership organizations in the country. Their work has brought together a wide range of causes and built a unified coalition that has transformed how the progressive community works. They have engaged communities across the country to take action on critical issues – from fighting for working families, to advancing women’s healthcare, to protecting the environment and more – and mobilized millions of voters to turn out on Election Day. Georgia is a key state in the America Votes network.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Asian Americans Advancing Justice Atlanta
Asian Americans Advancing Justice Atlanta’s mission is to protect and promote the civil, social and economic rights of Asian Americans in Georgia and the Southeast through public policy, community organizing, leadership development and legal education.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Atlanta Jobs with Justice
Atlanta Jobs with Justice (Atlanta JwJ) is a coalition of labor unions, community groups, faith based organizations, student organizations, and individuals that leads and supports campaigns for economic and social justice in our workplaces and in our communities.
Visit their website for more info.
+ ATL is Ready
AAiR is a cooperatively owned social enterprise of grassroots organizations, student activists, community organizers, millennial leaders and good ol' folk. Together the organizations work in principle to strengthen and amplify indigenous Black and marginalized voices in Atlan'a. AiR a symbol of the global resistance to white supremacist capitalism through equitable policy development, community empowerment and growing their family. They are committed to using their vast platform to elevate local organizing efforts advancing racial and economic justice initiatives in our city, by any means necessary.
Visit their website for more info.
+ ATL Raise Up
Fast Food workers in Atlanta are joining workers across America to fight for $15/hour, a union, and respect on the job. We believe that all workers deserve a living wage and the right to form a union without retaliation.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Black Lives Matter-Atlanta
Black Lives Matter - Atlanta are unapologetically Black in their positioning, and committed to collectively, lovingly and courageously working for freedom and justice for all Black people (and by extension all people) regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender expression, economic or educational status, ability or disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration or incarceration status or location.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Common Cause Georgia
Common Cause Georgia is a non-profit, non-partisan advocacy organization that works to strengthen public participation in our democracy and ensure that public officials and public institutions are accountable and responsive to citizens. Through a powerful combination of coalition building, lobbying and litigation, grassroots organizing, policy development, research and public education, they spotlight local, state and national issues that affect every Georgian.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Georgia
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), America's largest Islamic civil liberties and advocacy group has 35 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. CAIR-Georgia strives to ensure that Muslims in Georgia enjoy the same protections that all Americans have.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Freedom U Georgia
Freedom University is an award-winning, modern-day freedom school for undocumented students banned from equal access to higher education in Georgia. Freedom University first opened in Athens, Georgia in 2011, and re-opened in Atlanta in 2014 under new leadership with a new human rights mission, organizational structure, and social movement strategy. Freedom University now provides tuition-free college preparation classes, college and scholarship application assistance, mental health and legal support, and social movement leadership development for undocumented students. As a result of their collective work, over the last four academic years, 50 percent of their students have earned full scholarships to college.
Visit their website for more info.
+ The Georgia January 20th (J20) Coalition
The Georgia J20 Coalition is a solidarity-building partnership of local community grassroots organizations and networks, faith-based organizations, and labor unions. The Georgia J20 is led by impacted communities, who know that the growing climate of hatred, bigotry, anti-black racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia has poisoned our political process and damaged our society’s moral compass.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Georgia Muslim Voter Project
Georgia Muslim Voter Project is a group of American Muslims striving to rally the American Muslim community to show up big time in the upcoming election. They believe in the value and power of America’s communities finding and using their voices. The focus is to empower American Muslims to amplify their voices through their votes. They envision an active, engaged American Muslim voting bloc, capable of upholding the equitable rights of American Muslims.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Georgia #Not1MoreDeportation Coalition
Georgia #Not1More coalition is a coalition made up of: Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR), Southerners On New Ground (SONG), Project South, Atlanta Jobs with Justice, US Human Rights Network, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Georgia WAND, Racial Action Justice Center, coalicion de lideres latinos-CLILA, National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), Southeastern Immigrant Rights Network (SEIRN), Women Watch Afrika, Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America, Georgia Detention Watch, GA Moral Mondays, and American Friends Service Committee – Atlanta.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Georgia Translatin@ Coalition
The TransLatin@ Coalition is an organization formed by Trans Latin@ leaders who have come together in 2009 to organize and advocate for the needs of Trans Latin@s who are immigrants and reside in the US. Since its inception The TransLatin@ Coalition has done advocacy work across the US to ensure the voices of Trans Latin@s are heard. The TransLatin@ Coalition’s sole purpose is to address the unique and specific challenges and needs of Trans Latin@s who live in the United States. Working with policy makers and supporting organizations they find solutions to our unique needs and create structural changes to better quality of life.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Georgia Undocumented Youth Alliance (GUYA)
GGeorgia Undocumented Youth Alliance (GUYA) is an Undocumented Youth-led organization that seeks dignity and justice for the Immigrant Community in the state of GA. GUYA believes no human being is illegal and every human being has the right to education and the pursuit to lead a better life, without being targeted due to sexual orientation, religion, skin color, nationality, race or immigration status. These are matters of unalienable, universal human rights and NOT of privilege. GUYA’s mission is to fight to make this a reality by organizing the community; unifying youth and their families, the students and the heads-of-households, the undocumented, the allies, anyone and everyone who wants to join the movement, to come together and fight back. They commit themselves to fight back against the hateful, racist, misguided legislation and rhetoric being crafted in state legislatures, especially in Georgia.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR)
GLAHR, Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights is a non-profit grassroots organization created to help educate and organize Latinos in their own communities with the purpose of increasing community participation in the struggle for human and civil rights focusing on low income communities without regard to their immigrant status. GLAHR persists on building and fostering collaboration between the leaders and community organizations to advance social justice and the well-being of the Latino community. At the same time, promoting a healthy integration into their new communities. GLAHR seeks to disseminate information and educate the general public about the diverse benefits that the immigrant community brings to this country and in that manner counteract misinformation.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Housing Justice League (HJL)
HJL is a grassroots, member-led organization that seeks to build power in Metro Atlanta neighborhoods highly impacted by the housing crisis. By mobilizing communities around foreclosure, eviction, tenant rights, and public land rights — with an emphasis on leadership development and fostering a culture of resistance through non-violent direct action — they strive to transform our city’s approach to housing. HJL believes that housing is a human right regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, economic background, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identification, or immigration status.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Jewish Voice for Peace
Jewish Voice for Peace works to achieve a lasting peace that recognizes the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians for security and self-determination. Join us to promote a U.S. foreign policy based on peace, democracy, and human rights! Through grassroots organizing, education, advocacy, and media, Jewish Voice for Peace works to achieve a lasting peace that recognizes the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians for security and self-determination. Join us in our efforts to promote a U.S. foreign policy based on peace, democracy, human rights, and respect for international law.
Visit their website for more info.
+ The Ke'nekt Cooperative
The Ke'nekt Cooperative provides a grassroots economic reparative intervention plan that includes providing community led cooperative small business development & training. The Ke'nekt Cooperative is an intentional & equitable space that allows established legacy businesses, start up concepts & micro pop ups to occupy a cooperative space that fosters business education and growth.
Visit their website for more info.
+ LaGender, Inc.
LaGender works to serve the unique needs of the Transgender community in Metro Atlanta for HIV prevention, intervention, education, and other related needs. They envision a sisterhood and a world free from HIV/AIDS, homelessness, mass incarceration, police profiling, mental health duress, and racial and gender discrimination. Through a holistic loving approach, LaGender transforms the lives of Trans women of color in a dynamic family setting.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Project South
Project South is a Southern-based leadership development organization that creates spaces for movement building. They work with communities pushed forward by the struggle– to strengthen leadership and to provide popular political and economic education for personal and social transformation. Project South builds relationships with organizations and networks across the US and global South to inform our local work and to engage in bottom-up movement building for social and economic justice.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Southern Fried Queer Pride (SFQP)
Southern Fried Queer Pride (SFQP) is an Atlanta-based queer and trans, arts and advocacy organization and festival celebrating the vibrant communities of the Southern United States. Cooked in the oils of our forequeers of the Compton Cafeteria Riots, the Stonewall Riots, ACT UP, and the many radical uprisings of years past, SFQP holds close to the political identity of being queer. SFQP is arts and politically based and serves to provide an annual intersectional and radically inclusive festival, along with monthly programming.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Sister Song
The mission of the SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective is to strengthen and amplify the collective voices of Indigenous women and women of color so that we may secure our human rights, and thus achieve reproductive justice. SisterSong fights equally for the right to bear – or not to bear – a child, along with the subsequent and necessary enabling conditions to realize these rights. The Collective has 80+ women of color member organizations and individuals, and hundreds of white women and male allies who support our goal of improving the lives of women of color.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative (SNaP Co.)
The Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative is a Black, Trans-led, broad based collaborative working for a new Atlanta where every person has the opportunity to grow and thrive without facing unfair barriers, especially from the criminal justice system.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Southerners On New Ground (SONG)
made up of people of color, immigrants, undocumented people, people with disabilities, working class and rural and small town, LGBTQ people in the South. SONG believes that we are bound together by a shared desire for ourselves, each other, and our communities to survive and thrive. They believe that Community Organizing is the best way for us to build collective power and transform the South. Out of this belief SONG is committed to building freedom movements rooted in southern traditions like community organizing, political education, storytelling, music, breaking bread, resistance, humor, performance, critical thinking, and celebration.
Visit their website for more info.
+ SPARK Reproductive Justice Now
SPARK is a reproductive justice (RJ) organization based in Atlanta, GA, advocating for policies that protect and expand access to the full range of family planning options, abortion, and sexual health education for women and youth of color in the state of Georgia. Importantly, SPARK ensures the voices of women of color, young parents, and LGBTQQ youth of color living in the south are included in the reproductive rights and justice movements.
Visit their website for more info.
+ Street Groomers
Several Atlanta area young Black men and “street tribe” members, led by Brother Haroon Walik, grew tired of life on the streets and in the jails and decided to transform their lives and to reach out to others in similar situations to help them do the same. They were also tired of seeing young Black men killing each other, and racist police harassing, incarcerating and killing their brothers and sisters. So they decided to organize themselves into street patrol units, unite the “street tribes”, and begin taking back the streets from thugs of all types (including those in Blue) and cleaning up their communities—and the Street Groomers was born! The Street Groomers are now in demand in many Atlanta area neighborhoods, and in communities in other cities and states, as positive results are immediately noticed in communities they patrol. In addition to expanding the communities they patrol, their next step is to launch enterprises, programs and projects that benefit and positively transform the youth and communities they patrol.
Visit their website for more info.