AWARE-LA continues to offer a workshop series on building white anti-racist practice and community in an intensive 4-day institute designed specifically for white people.
This series invites white people to deepen their self-awareness and build community with other white people taking up work for racial justice. Through personal reflection, small and large group dialogue, and experiential activities, this institute invites the exploration of subjects such as:
The meaning of whiteness
White privilege and multiple identities
How to resolve guilt and shame
Institutional racism
Development of an anti-racist practice and identity
We are excited to launch our 14th annual Summer program, which will take place via Zoom on four days from July 21-24, 2022. REGISTRATION OPENS MARCH 1, 2022.
To register, click here.
Due to the intensive nature of the program, space remains limited.
For more information about the Summer 2022 program, click here to download an information sheet.
For daily schedule and logistical information about the Summer 2022 program, click here.