White Artists for Racial Justice and SURJ @ Sacred Heart are hosting a three-part series, Make Art Make Justice.
Make Art Make Justice is a three-part practical workshop bringing the artistic process to social justice organizing, especially for SURJ leaders and others engaged in white anti-racist organizing. Workshop leaders Alexis McNabb and Jennifer Myhre have been successfully integrating creativity and arts into their SURJ @ Sacred Heart's work for several years and seen how arts energize members and sustain people in taking action. They will share what they've learned and you'll come away with workshop models and exercises to lead yourself.
Part 3 - Sunday, August 22 1-3pm PT
The final session will be a showcase of your Make Art Make Justice event. Participants will share “plusses and deltas” on what you learned in the process, and the impact it had on you, your community, and your work. There will be further discussion and resource sharing, and a chance to learn from everyone in the workshop on how to make all of our organizing more (he)artful!
Click here to learn more and register.
This workshop series is for you if:- You are an artist interested in engaging with, or sparking, justice work in your community
- You are new to organizing and want to learn about it from the point of view of artistic process
- You are an experienced organizer and want to develop more leaders in your organization, and find ways to strengthen engagement, retention, and relationships in your orgWhile this workshops is especially geared for SURJ members and others engaged in white anti-racist action, it is open to all and will offer lessons applicable to many kinds of organizing. If you haven't yet, you can also check out our website of amazing arts resources to put to use in organizing white folks against racism at our site White Artists for Racial Justice and on Instagram.