A webinar conversation with Nelini Stamp of Working Families Party, Rahula Janowski and Donna Willmott of Catalyst Project, Portland organizers on the ground, the National Lawyers Guild, and activists from Charlottesville.
You know you've got Trump scared when he starts trying to roll out this kind of militarized response! Because folks have been organizing so effectively to defund police under the call from Black leadership, and mass numbers of folks are taking to the streets in multiracial formation, he's responding in ways similar to fascist responses designed to break movements and dismantle our already weak democratic processes. He's experimenting with tactics that he began trying in anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant efforts at the border, and in ways that communities of color are all too familiar with here. This escalation, however is unprecedented and dangerous. We can't allow this to happen.
With the increased repression starting in Portland and continuing across the country, it is critical that white people continue to show up for Black lives. in coordination with Black leadership, SURJ's strategy will include a diversity of tactics designed to end this "surge" by federal agents on our communities, defend our rights, and defund white supremacist militarized forces including the Department of Homeland Security and the police in cities. Join this webinar to hear about this strategy and the many ways to collectively resist.
ASL interpretation and live-captioning available.
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